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This Valentine's, love speaks in every petal
Limited Edition Love Blooms
Each bouquet is a crafted masterpiece only one bouquet for this Valentine
Limited Collection

(Sold Out) Pastel Garden
Purple rose, Rose Pink Ohara, Ranunculus, ammi, wax , carnation , lisianthus , Stocks ,pom pom flower, Hydrangea, snow leaves.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 40-45
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 40-45

(Sold Out) Neutral Elegance 6,500
Rose , Ranunculus, Rose Quicksand, Stocks, ammi, wax , Eucalyptus, carnation , lisianthus , Â delphinium.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 45-50
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 45-50

(Sold Out) Tangerine Tango Blossom Bliss 6,500
Orange rose , Floribunda rose
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 50
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 50

(Sold Out) Peach Please 6,500
Rose , Ranunculus, Stocks, ammi, wax , Eucalyptus, carnation , lisianthus , Â delphinium.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 45-50
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 45-50

(Sold Out) Hot Pink Heartfelt 7,500
Red rose ,Pink rose, Sakura ,Wax , Scabiosa, Gerbera, pom pom flower.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 45-50
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 45-50

(Sold Out) Valentine's Velvet Violets 7,500
Hydrangea ,Purple rose , Ranunculus, ammi, wax , carnation , lisianthus , Stocks , Tulip , Rose Quicksand, Sakura , Anthurium flower.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 45-50
Size Approx (cm)
Width 35-40, Height 45-50

(Sold Out) Blush of Love Blooms 8,500
Rose Pink Ohara , ammi, wax , Eucalyptus,
Hydrangea , Stocks , lisianthus , Gerbera, Tulip
Size Approx (cm)
Width 50-55, Height 50-60
Hydrangea , Stocks , lisianthus , Gerbera, Tulip
Size Approx (cm)
Width 50-55, Height 50-60

(Sold Out) Peach Fuzz 8,500
RosePeach 17 rose, Stocks 5, Floribunda rose 5
Size Approx (cm)
Width 40-45, Height 45-50
Size Approx (cm)
Width 40-45, Height 45-50

(Sold Out) Luxurious Red and Gold 8,500
Toffee rose, Red rose, Floribunda rose, Sakura, Eucalyptus , Mickey Mouse Plant.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 40-45, Height 60
Size Approx (cm)
Width 40-45, Height 60

(Sold Out) Blissful Blooms of Love 8,500
Pink rose ,White rose
Size Approx (cm)
Width 40-45, Height 50
Size Approx (cm)
Width 40-45, Height 50

(Sold Out) Pastel Peach Perfection 9,000
Juliet Rose, Pink rose, Hydrangea , Stocks , lisianthus , Gerbera,Wax.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 50-60
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 50-60

Sky Love Bouquet 12,000
Hydrangea ,Tulip , Rose blue, Eucalyptus
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 60
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 60

Pure Elegance Rose Bouquet 14,500
Rose White Ohara , Sakura, Eucalyptus , Wax
Size Approx (cm)
Width 50-60, Height 60-70
Size Approx (cm)
Width 50-60, Height 60-70

(Sold Out) Romantic Rosé Elegance 15,000
Red rose, Tulip , Ranunculus , carnation , Mickey Mouse Plant.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 60
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 60

(Sold Out) Pastel Perfection 17,500
Purple rose , Rose Pink Ohara, Ranunculus, ammi, wax , carnation , lisianthus , Stocks ,pom pom flower, Hydrangea, Peonies ,snow leaves.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 80, Height 70-80
Size Approx (cm)
Width 80, Height 70-80

Viva Magenta 17,500
Hydrangea , carnation , Floribunda rose ,Pink rose , Carnation.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 55-60, Height 75-80
Size Approx (cm)
Width 55-60, Height 75-80

Sweetheart Pink Bouquet 18,000
Rose Pink Ohara ,Rose Purple, Rose Quicksand, lisianthus, carnation, snow leaves
Size Approx (cm)
Width 55-60, Height 75-80
Size Approx (cm)
Width 55-60, Height 75-80

Sweet Peony Passion 18,000
Rose Pink Ohara , Peonies , ammi, wax , Eucalyptus , snow leaves.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 60
Size Approx (cm)
Width 45-50, Height 60

Enchanting Peony Rose Bouquet 18,500
Rose Pink Ohara , ammi, wax , Eucalyptus,
White Rose , Hydrangea , Stocks , lisianthus , pom pom flower.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 55-60, Height 60-70
White Rose , Hydrangea , Stocks , lisianthus , pom pom flower.
Size Approx (cm)
Width 55-60, Height 60-70

Gradiant of Love 18,500
31 Roses arrange with ,Hydrangea , Spray rose , Stocks ,Gerbera,Ranunculus,lisianthus
Size Approx (cm)
Width 60-70, Height 80
Size Approx (cm)
Width 60-70, Height 80

How to Order
1. Choose your favorite flowers
2. Choose wrapping paper and ribbon

3. Tell us via Line @prestigeflowers
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